Saturday, September 30, 2006
was reading someone blog juz nw...
she said something ..
You have not found the right person if you can live with them.
You have found the right person if you cant live w/o them...
so izzt true...????
lets tok abt yesterday
was absolutely FUN
went for lesson at 8
waited for everyone to reach
class was until 12
as usual went to Marina Sq
eat at Long John Sliver
Naq joined us as she cant fast
with her auntie of the month is here
we decided to watch movie
but the movie starts at 230
n our next lesson was at 3
so Han feng came wif this idea of
flipping a coin
let the coin decide for us
well, the coin wanted us to watch
so off we bought the tickets
n we skipped the 2 hrs class too
watched 'Stay Alive'
was not bad
not realli dat scary
there were these 4 sec sch students
damn f***king noisy
they were toking so loud
dat interupting ppl watching movie
can these ppl be more considerate...?
after the movie
the rest headed home
while i stay there to wait for Si qi
walked ard to wait for Joanne
then headed to Marina Bay
to meet Jun hui dey all
they were SUPER late
then Timothy joined us
we went to arcade while waiting for them
11 of us went for steamboat
was damn fun
at first
a lot of us were standing eating their foods
don noe why oso
all the jokes,
funni tings happened,
the way they disturbed Joanne
was fun...
Friday, September 22, 2006
went to orchard for some shopping on 20/09/06
called Bobby to join us
since he asked us to call him out
if we go shopping
so he met us after his work
walked ard Orchard
went to Mac Cafe
sat down for drink n Some cake
chatting ard
funny jokes....
was fun
so here are the PHOTOS....

was walking
our natural way of laughing at jokes... hahaha
random photos
love dis photo effect
Joanne and Bobby
we 2 trying to pose....

Tall and (ahem) *tall*
New found SHOPPING mate
trying to pull him down....
Poor Si qi
Joanne and Me
Silly Bobby zoom his face...!!!
acting lonely
on the bus way home