Taurus Personality
Taureans like to be rooted -- whether it is your environment, work, home or your opinions. Thus you are a picture of stability to some and to others you can be stubborn, with a mind closed to new ideas and a certain unwillingness to change. But it works both ways, you are determined and do not easily buckle under pressure and adversity.
You are patient, loyal and caring. Like the bull that represents your zodiac sign, you will be slow to anger but once annoyed, you will rage and turn ferocious. There is no stopping you then. Like fire, you can be a good friend and a bad enemy; you can also be quite shy and reserved.
But like the proverbial bull in the china shop, a little clumsy in both life and language being remarkably outspoken and expressive with speech and exaggerated hand and arm movements when enraged. You are not the kind to undertake risky ventures and certainly are not too apt to be rash.
This is partly because you are lazy and partly bec ause of your need to hold on to what you already possess. You like to live comfortably and are a good provider. Ruled by Venus, you seek the pleasure of the senses and to you, being a true admirer of beauty, material comforts are far more important than for other zodiac signs.
You are stubborn, carrying this trait to all spheres in your life, thereby, in a way, closing your options for a better life. Your stubbornness, combined with laziness can create problems you will find difficult to deal with. Often you will make little or no effort to change the situation around you. Nothing seems to drive you but the temptation to acquire some material benefit to keep you and yours happy.
Taurus Lover
Taureans are family-oriented people and enjoy spending time with loved ones. You are drawn towards children and the children in turn, look up to you. Large-hearted to the point of being self-sacrificing, always putting your family's needs above your own, and getting along with everyone, unless they try to dominate you is the Taurean way.
Strong believers in fidelity and stable relationships, you can be romantic, attentive, tender, and affectionate. Rarely feeling the temptation to stray, you can be quite possessive and can indeed get jealous if your partner's attention wavers. The romance with your partner is something that will be of constant interest and is unlikely to die even when you settle down to the routines of married life.
Taurus will find an ideal match in fellow Taureans, Virgos and Capricorns. Marriage with an air sign like Aquarius could also prove successful. You will take a fair amount of interest in what you fill your house with an d will definitely do your best to provide all material comforts.
Taurus Professional
Taurus is the money-sign of the zodiac and make excellent businesspersons. Not only will you be successful in making money; you will be able to preserve it well. You should be able to develop your business profitably and very rarely allow any rash decisions to harm your interests. You will make good financiers and bankers. If you choose the arts, as some Taureans do, it is more likely to be music, where you will excel; also doing well in work connected with land or environment.
Taurus Traveller
You are an earthy sign. The lush and rolling hills are ideal for holidaying...but only in an out of this world resort where good living is high. Good comfortable living is your number one priority. Everything is pre-planned from ticket booking to hotel reservations. Basically you are homebodies so travelling to unknown places is not something you are always ready to do. A holiday in a familiar place or not too far away from home ground is what you need.
Taurus Teens
This girl is extremely fashion conscious and loves to dress up. She is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love and Beauty. She has a penchant for necklaces, as Taurus, her sign, rules the neck and throat. She can often be seen at shops, spending her stash of cash. She can be a bit self-indulgent at times, so gently remind her that she may not need all the things she spends her money on.
She has a weakness for all things sweet, which often causes digestive problems. She is extremely patient and determined as she systematically goes about realising her goals. Her ambition ensures that she is both hardworking and helpful towards others. She is not likely to be actively involved in sports, though she wouldn't mind light sports like golf.
The Taurus girl is a bit obstinate at times and holds fixed opinions, but on the other hand, when she sets goals for herself, she follows them up thoroughly and unwaveringly. She is rarely hindered by obstacles that others find daunting. Look out for her, she will go places.
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