My bro was off to Shanghai for some sch exchange
he is damn LUCKY i say
always having all these kind trips
when is my turn...???
25 Nov Sat
went to raffles place wif Joanne
to find her pri sch frenz
she wanted to show Joanne her new job
when the frenz show some of the products
they selling
i noe dat company is the same as the company
we went a year ago...
cuz so bad if we juz walked away like dat
so we juz went on listening to the
her frenz keeps persuading us
to join the company
but not our type of jobs ar
so i rejected her
Joanne was in much difficulties in
rejecting her
as she was her frenz
we had our dinner
n we walked to esplanade
that day,
we realli don noe where to go
so we called some ppl on our contacts
angeline n cynthia were at IMM
Joanne don wan to go all the way there
so nv went
called Jie tian
he was on the way back from Orchard
after a while,
he called back
he will be coming to meet us wif his frenz
we met at Marina Sq
they wanted to eat
so we went to the food court
after dat,
went to Esplanade
sat ard n was toking
since we nv met for so long
got some juicy GOSSIP
from jie tian
then, we saw a few policemen
was using the 'POLICE' tape
(don noe what is dat called)
surrounded an area
everyone was wondering
wad happened
at dat time, we wanted to go home
so we had to walk past the area
i saw bloods on the ground
i tink there was a fight juz now
the guys went toilet
the Leroy's Japanese-mixed-with-chinese frenz
he was so cute...
i was asking Joanne to look at him
then Joanne said he was looking at our direction too
he damn cute ar....!!!!!!!!!
we went home by train from Marina Bay
was a LoooooNNNNgggg
trip home
reached home ard 1
26 Nov
was woken up by my Mum
wan to buy clothes..???
the moment i heard dat
i jumped out of my bed n bathe
went out wif my whole family
actually its been a while
since the whole family went out tgt
went to eat breakfast
shop ard for clothes
ard eight plus,
we went back home
as my bro need to do some
final packing
ard 9 plus,
we went to the airport
was kind of early
so we went to Mac to hav some foods
looking at the people going on holiday
i oso got the eager to go on holiday too
so girl frenz of mine,
when is our turn...????
Marina Sq 25 Nov

Sending off my BRO.. 26 Nov

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